Sgib/Asiapac Internet Gamers Group

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Hi gamers!!

First, I updated the diablo.txt page, with the current users
& yahoo IDs (and Diablo login when I know it).
Please send me your information if it is missing.

Second, do not try to send attachements:
The max size of a mail is 40Kb (most mailing-lists implement
this for trivial reasons :-)

Finally, if you use Notes (beurk...), it would be nice if you
also "cleanup" the mail before you answer (headers look terrible,
as you surely noticed!!).



PS. And maybe a new player soon: Jean-Paul (DEAI/Tokyo) just
bought Diablo II!! He now just needs a connexion at home :-)

Real Men do not use signatures.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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